Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thing 30

Well indeed it has been quite a journey. Some of it was fun and some was very hard going. I take away a lot of knowledge about the new technology and have learned how people are using the Internet in most amazing ways. I am surprised at myself for the things I have done, like putting a video on my blog.

I would definitely do it again but I must say that I would not have been able to figure things out on my own. If it hadn't been for the assistance of a very knowledgeable colleague I probably would have quit in frustration. Having a mentor is a must for folks who have no clue about all this stuff.

Thing 29

Learning 2.0 was a terrific experience. I would never have known most of those things existed and I am so glad to have learned about them. Lots of the things I probably will never use and will soon forget how to use, but many of the things will be helpful in my work.
Not having been raised in the computer generation it has been very helpful to see what is happening technology wise. Whoo, things are changing so fast.

I looked at several other staff members blogs and was pleased to find that many folks shared my thoughts on some aspects of 2.0 (i.e. the joys, the frustrations, etc.) It was also interesting to find that some of the 'things' I hated (podcasts) were other people's favorite things!
Different strokes for different folks!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thing 28: Rollyo

Well I took a tour of several Rollyos. I don't think I would ever want one for myself, but I can see where it could be a terrific thing for libraries to offer customers, grouping reliable search sites on particular subjects, like medicine.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Thing 27: LibraryThing
I'm not sure if this is the right link to my LibraryThing, but I think it is. I really liked listing some of my books and then seeing who had the same ones and what other things they were reading. This is like your own personal reader's advisory!


Thing 26: Image generators

This was fun. I could play with this. I went to a sight where you could have your name written in Chinese. I noticed this same sight had a Chinese tattoo image maker.


Thing 24: Podcasts

I think this was the hardest one, or at least the most frustrating one, of the 30 things. Having to go back and forth from a staff computer to a public computer just made it harder, especially when I was just getting going and my time ran out. But I can claim success, that is if I can put the podcast on this blog. We will see!



Sunday, January 6, 2008

Thing 25

I'm doing thing 25 before thing 24 because thing 24 is such a pain!!! I don't like podcasts. The podcast for the Denver Public library was lame. Tumblebooks are 1000 better! When little ones are being read to, they want to see the pictures!

Also, accessing the podcasts was difficult and many sights wanted you to download stuff which I was not comfortable doing.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thing 23

This was a fun thing. I love little Buddy, the surfing dog.

Thing 22

So many new words with all this stuff! Mashups? Geez! I had fun with "Spell With Flickr". I can see where that would be very useful. I also liked the Flickr Color Pickr. Love looking at the terrific pictures on Flickr.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Thing 21

After reading the wikipedia article about Flickr, it appears that it is a well run service, even having filtering for younger people. I think it would be a terrific service for libraries to provide access to Flickr. But as for libraries using it, from what I have seen, I think not. Blogs would be better.

Thing 20

Flickr was fun! There were some stunning photos by Peter Bowers, but the one on my blog is surf dogs. I love this picture!

Thing 19

From the 'short list' of award winners I looked at the three winners under 'philanthropy'. Care2 was a very interesting site but the other two were a bit confusing. Be Green Now was selling something but I wasn't sure what it was!
I can see where these sites would be interesting to folks, but I don't see a library application unless they were links on a library webpage.